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Enterprise Singapore delegation visits Sri City

The team was interested in learning about the city’s infrastructure, business potential and investment opportunities

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ESG delegation with Sri City officials

27 Feb 2024 7:37 AM IST

Hyderabad: A delegation comprising nine senior officials from Enterprise Singapore (ESG), an esteemed agency operating under Singapore’s Ministry of Trade & Industry, undertook a brief yet insightful visit to Sri City on Monday.

R Shivashankar, Senior Vice President (Marketing), accorded a warm welcome and gave them a comprehensive overview of Sri City’s top-notch integrated business infrastructure, rapid development pace, investor-friendly ecosystem, and commercial advantages, including state government financial incentives.

Impressed by the remarkable infrastructure, conducive industrial environment, sustainability initiatives, and green practices observed at Sri City, Chu Lei, one of the delegates, expressed admiration for the visionary approach of Sri City’s management in establishing such a vast industrial hub.

She articulated confidence that several Singaporean companies would contemplate Sri City as a favourable destination for business establishment, considering the multitude of benefits it offers.

Ravindra Sannareddy, Founder Managing Director of Sri City, said, “We are delighted to host senior officials from the Ministry of Trade & Industry and ESG here at Sri City. Such interactions hold the potential to enhance business relations between Singapore and India. We are optimistic that their visit will pave the way for increased investments from Singapore.”

The delegation’s visit highlights Sri City’s growing attractiveness as a destination for international businesses. They were particularly interested in learning about the city’s infrastructure, business potential, and investment opportunities.

The ESG is responsible for promoting the development of Singapore’s enterprises. It provides a range of services to help businesses grow and internationalise through a global network of overseas centres in over 35 locations. In India it has offices at Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai.

Enterprise Singapore ESG R Shivashankar Sri City Singapores Ministry of Trade & Industry 
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